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Rochelle Summerfield
Black Bean, upstream Clarence River,, 2021
Pencil and gouache, gesso on 425gsm Saunders Waterford, paper
Framed in natural oak
155 x 105
Requires a shipping quote
I am working on a series called ‘Sanctuary Trees’, where I am drawing those gnarly, grand and very aged trees that support many of our riverbanks. I spotted this Black Bean kayaking upstream. I have come to know some of these trees well, each with its own unique structures and beauty. This Black Bean struck me deeply, with its powerful female forms and the powerful and complicated strength of the root system, which so steadfastly holds and filters the riverbank. The shade from its branches provide shade for me under the hot sun and cool the river for life below. Bright yellow and red flowers grow along the stem, and the very large seed pods (often up to 25cm x 5cm) often bob along the river finding the next location to seed and germinate.
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Zoe Sernack
Acrylic on wooden board
There is nothing quite like the sound of a bird call. We have so many amazing birds in Australia. All seem to have their own personality, some elegant, some cheeky, playful and dominating. These works are rejoicing in their personalities and characteristics.
These works are the first works I have produced with a wooden layered effect, I have also etched into the wood to give a more tactile experience with the surface. I hope you like my furry friends!
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Zoe Sernack
Acrylic on wooden board
There is nothing quite like the sound of a bird call. We have so many amazing birds in Australia. All seem to have their own personality, some elegant, some cheeky, playful and dominating. These works are rejoicing in their personalities and characteristics.
These works are the first works I have produced with a wooden layered effect, I have also etched into the wood to give a more tactile experience with the surface. I hope you like my furry friends!
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Zoe Sernack
Acrylic on wooden board
There is nothing quite like the sound of a bird call. We have so many amazing birds in Australia. All seem to have their own personality, some elegant, some cheeky, playful and dominating. These works are rejoicing in their personalities and characteristics.
These works are the first works I have produced with a wooden layered effect, I have also etched into the wood to give a more tactile experience with the surface. I hope you like my furry friends!
Zoe Sernack
Acrylic on wooden board
There is nothing quite like the sound of a bird call. We have so many amazing birds in Australia. All seem to have their own personality, some elegant, some cheeky, playful and dominating. These works are rejoicing in their personalities and characteristics.
These works are the first works I have produced with a wooden layered effect, I have also etched into the wood to give a more tactile experience with the surface. I hope you like my furry friends!
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John Corby
Magpie 1
Beauty is everywhere, nowhere more so than the stunning Northern Rivers. However, whilst some subjects simply cry out to be painted, others sit quietly in the background, waiting patiently to be SEEN. The most challenging task confronting an artist is to identify nature’s subtle beauty and somehow do it justice through the medium of paint. When I consider a subject, I focus on what I am feeling, what excites me. Conveying that emotion through paint is my ultimate goal. To achieve this, I am constantly examining the way I apply paint, the interplay of colours and how I can strengthen composition. My habitat is the Tweed Shire and I feel blessed to share her beauty.
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Winter time can serve us the most spectacular sunsets over the Tweed River.
As the sun goes down, the Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos fly overhead,
screeching and flapping their enormous wings, heading to higher ground for the night.
These prehistoric looking birds fly down in the morning to spend their day feasting on Banksia
cones and Sheoak nuts.
1230mm x 1530mm
Acrylic on Canvas
A shipping quote is required
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The yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo plays an important roll in landscape regeneration. As they graze on the Banksiasand the Casuarina trees, they smash them to pieces with their powerful beaks, allowing the wind to spread the seed.
The flocks that form with one or two mid-winter, can reach 20-30 birds by December. However this year I have noticed a drop in the number of birds flying over. The last couple of years have been harrowing on wildlife, with fires, then floods.
Lets hope numbers can regenerate in years to come.
400mm x 350mm
Acrylic on Board
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‘Sunday Afternoon 1 & 2’
I was sitting in my van, waiting for my son to come in from the surf, rain was hitting the windscreen.
A white splash catches my eye, a humpback breaching. The mothers are bringing their calves south, hugging
and exploring the coastline. In front of the whales are small fins, dolphins, darting along in front of the whales nose.
Movement catches my eye to the right, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos take flight. I look out to the horizon and as the sun sinks,
the storm clouds turn pink, large balls of floss releasing their moisture into the ocean. The scene is one of dynamic fluidity.
420mm x 520mm
Acrylic on Board
$700 each
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Sunday Afternoon 2
I was sitting in my van, waiting for my son to come in from the surf, rain was hitting the windscreen.
A white splash catches my eye, a humpback breaching. The mothers are bringing their calves south, hugging
and exploring the coastline. In front of the whales are small fins, dolphins, darting along in front of the whales nose.
Movement catches my eye to the right, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos take flight. I look out to the horizon and as the sun sinks,
the storm clouds turn pink, large balls of floss releasing their moisture into the ocean. The scene is one of dynamic fluidity.
420mm x 520mm
Acrylic on Board
$700 each
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‘Hightide Hunters’
Pippi Birds or Sooty Oyster Catchers shuffle in and out with the ebb of the waves.
They use their bright orange beak to dig through the sand for a tasty shellfish.
Lately I have noticed so much more micro plastic, pieces of plastic broken
into small pieces. These float on the surface of the ocean, collecting at the high tide line.
These small pieces are mistaken by birds and turtles as food, collecting in their stomachs, eventually leading to their demise.
310mm x 310mm
Acrylic on Board
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